Tech Talks #73

Czwartek, 30.01.2025 18:00

Maria Lowas-Rzechonek

ABAC-like - implementing a policy-based access control in Django English

Django comes with its own access control system based on permissions. But sooner or later, business requirements force us to implement more and more complicated ifs to handle a business logic on top of Django perms, sometimes to the point that we lose control over it.

I want to talk about implementing a policy-based access control in a Django app that provides a central point to manage such requirements in a consistent way. It doesn’t fight the framework, but uses its power, and it’s easily extendable.

Sebastian Buczyński

Programista zoptymalizował aplikację ale nikt mu nie pogratulował bo była w Pythonie 😞 Polish

Wokół tematu wydajności w Pythonie narosło wiele mitów. Rozwiejmy te fałszywe przekonania opierając się na twardych danych.

Porozmawiajmy jak być lepszym inżynierem oprogramowania w ciągle zmieniającym się świecie, wymagającym podejmowania decyzji i balansowania między różnymi wymaganiami.



Zdjecie Maria Lowas-Rzechonek

Maria Lowas-Rzechonek

I’ve graduated from philosophy and social science. True to Zed A. Shaw advice from Learn Python the Hard Way, I entered the tech world as an anthropologist with barely enough of the local language to get around and survive*. And there I stayed. My next step led me to the Django Girls community - first as an attendee, then as a couch, committer and organizer. Currently, I’m working as a Python developer at Talixo.

In my free time, I’m involved in the extreme sports of mountain hiking with kids and dancing flamenco.

Zdjecie Sebastian Buczyński

Sebastian Buczyński Strona prelegenta

W branży od ponad dekady lat z doświadczeniami lidera technicznego i architekta. Trener/konsultant w Bottega IT Minds, specjalizacja - Python. Architekt w firmie Sauce Labs. Zafascynowany zwinnym wytwarzaniem oprogramowania bez kompromisów w kwestii jakości.


Sponsorzy spotkania

Trail of Bits

Since 2012, Trail of Bits has helped secure some of the world’s most targeted organizations and products. They combine high-end security research with a real-world attacker mentality to reduce risk and fortify code.

See their website, blog and publications repository.

Thanks to Trail of Bits we will have pizza in break between talks!

Cosmo PK

Thanks to Cosmo we can meet on Politechnika Krakowska!


Thanks to JetBrains, attendees will be able to win 1 year licenses to any selected JetBrains product in a small competition during our meeting.


Cracow Linux Users Group is a community of enthusiasts of computer science, technology and operating systems from the Unix family.

Thanks to CLUG, the meeting is streamed on YouTube and recorded!



Lokalizacja Politechnika Krakowska (budynek Działownia), ul. Warszawska 24