Tech Talks #71

Czwartek, 17.10.2024 18:30

Piotr Piechnik

A dead end of Schema-based Multi-Tenancy DB in Django English

An exhilarating journey into the world of multi-tenancy databases and back, based on isolated client schemas in Django, where we unravel the intricacies and challenges of creating and managing complex, multi-user applications. This talk is a comprehensive case study that promises to immerse you in the practicalities and innovative strategies for mastering multi-tenant architectures. All of this would be present in a real-world case study where we have tried to squeeze everything we could from PostgreSQL with a separate schema approach, failed, and began a journey full of pitfalls and essential decisions. Suppose You would like to know a little bit more about our dead end aproach, and how to get back from it. Join me in this thrilling journey.

Piotr Gnus

UUIDs Unleashed! Weird Adoption Journey & New Standards Promises English

In this presentation, I'll guide you through all the types of UUIDs, incluiding some new ones an I'll present our journey towards migrating towards (ab)using them.

You will learn the origin of UUIDs, when to use them, which types to use in which situations and for sure how NOT to use them.

Additionally, I'll mention some upcoming changes in Python around them!

Szymon Cader

Jak zjeść ciastko i mieć ciastko – lokalny DevEx na serwerze Polish

Każdy developer ma swój ulubiony zestaw narzędzi, języków, IDE, aliasów, czy pluginów – wszystko to tworzy developer experience (DevEx). Jednak te udogodnienia mają znaczenie głównie w lokalnym środowisku, a na serwerze rzeczywistość staje się znacznie bardziej surowa. W tym krótkim lightning talku postaram się pokazać jak możemy sobie usprawnić pracę z "produkcją" na przykładzie deploymentu z użyciem Docker'a.

Janusz Kamieński

Time to Open the PanDORA's Box English

You’ve heard of DevOps, but still think it’s about running your monolith in cloud containers? Let’s open the DORA’s box and discover what it really offers your organization, the products you build, and your day-to-day work with technology. In this lightning talk, I’ll briefly highlight where to find the best practices and models for building or transforming your organization towards a true DevOps model.



Zdjecie Piotr Piechnik

Piotr Piechnik

Engineering Manager at Spoton Poland Python dev that remembers first Django versions and went through migration from SOUTH to Django migrations :) If I'm not coding and doing techy stuff then I could be find somewhere in mountains/forests riding my enduro bicycle or on some asphalt roads riding my motorcycle (yes I ride everything that has 2 wheels and a handelbar) Loves TTRPGs and sci-fi/fantasy books

Zdjecie Piotr Gnus

Piotr Gnus

I'm a Python developer experienced with web frameworks, especially Django and FastAPI.

Zdjecie Szymon Cader

Szymon Cader

Python developer z solidnym "DevOpsowym" backgroundem. Pasjonat automatyzacji. Prowadzący wykłady i warsztaty z Pythona dla młodzieży. Powoli zaczyna angażować się aktywnie w community Pythona :)

Zdjecie Janusz Kamieński

Janusz Kamieński Strona prelegenta

Python developer, journalist, TTRPG Game Master, and milkaholic. An active participant in dev communities and co-organizer of meetups and DevOps conferences in Poland. He’s always looking for ways to push DevOps into every project he touches. During the day, he levels up his experience at Splunk. When not tinkering with code, he runs TTRPG sessions, trains in Acro Yoga, and enjoys video or board games. Goes by the nickname "Ivellios".


Sponsorzy spotkania



Cosmo PK

Cracow Linux Users Group is a community of enthusiasts of computer science, technology and operating systems from the Unix family.

Thanks to CLUG, the meeting is streamed on YouTube and recorded!


Thanks to JetBrains, attendees will be able to win 1 year licenses to any selected JetBrains product in a small competition during our meeting.



Lokalizacja Politechnika Krakowska (budynek Działownia), ul. Warszawska 24