Tech Talks #67

Czwartek, 30.11.2023 18:30

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to our 2nd TechTalks in new season. We're back with the regular formula of two 30-45 minute talks.

Robert Urbańczyk

Jak pożenić Django z FastAPI Polish

Bridging the Gap: Merging FastAPI and Django
  • Brief overview of FastAPI and Django.
  • Highlight the strengths of each framework.
  • Emphasize the potential benefits of combining them.
The Power of Synergy
  • Performance meets Feature-rich: FastAPI's high performance and automatic API documentation combined with Django's feature-rich web framework.
  • Unified Development: Streamlined development process with a cohesive structure.
  • Web Applications: Highlight Django's capabilities in building web applications with its ORM, authentication, and templating system.
  • Performance Boost: Harness FastAPI's asynchronous capabilities for faster API responses.
  • Code Reusability: Share code between API and web components where applicable.
  • Admin Panel: Utilize Django's admin panel for easy content management.
  • Consistent Naming: Maintain a consistent naming convention for endpoints and views.
  • Documentation: Keep documentation up to date for both FastAPI and Django components.
Marcin Wierzbanowski

Rust-ifying Python: A Deep Dive into Performance Nirvana! English

We combine Rust and Python to achieve the highest performance by taking advantage of the best features of both programming languages. This is an introduction to seamless integration with PyO3 and Maturin <>



Zdjecie Robert Urbańczyk

Robert Urbańczyk

I'm a seasoned Python developer with a passion for crafting robust system tools and exploring the intricacies of modern web frameworks. My journey in the world of programming began in the realm of Solaris/Unix in early nineties and settled on GNU/Linux, where I honed my skills in developing efficient and reliable system tools.

Professional Journey:

Over the years, I've delved into the heart of Python, finding joy in the intricacies of backend development. My expertise lies in the intersection of Python and system-level programming, allowing me to build tools that operate seamlessly in various environments.

Web Framework Exploration:

I find immense pleasure in testing the capabilities of modern web frameworks. From clean modern FastAPI to good old Django, I enjoy pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in the realm of web development. My curiosity has led me to experiment with diverse technologies, always seeking the most effective and elegant solutions. Continuous Learning:

In my spare time, I embrace the challenge of learning new languages. This pursuit not only broadens my understanding of programming paradigms but also keeps me attuned to the current state of the art in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.

Zdjecie Marcin Wierzbanowski

Marcin Wierzbanowski Strona prelegenta

Greetings! I am an enthusiast of technology and innovation, navigating the ever-evolving landscapes of the digital realm. With a passion for creativity and a penchant for problem-solving, I find joy in exploring the intersections of code and design.

My journey has been a tapestry of diverse experiences, from delving into the intricacies of programming languages to unraveling the possibilities of digital art. The digital canvas is where I express my ideas, blending logic and imagination into harmonious solutions.

Beyond the screen, I am an advocate for continuous learning and believe in the power of knowledge to transform perspectives. Whether immersed in lines of code or contemplating the wonders of the natural world, I am on a perpetual quest for inspiration.

"Be yourself and don't go with the flow."


Sponsorzy spotkania


Sunscrapers is an elite Python development company that helps clients set up dedicated development teams in Poland, made of the most talented, experienced, and motivated software engineers.

Since 2010, we’ve been working with ambitious US and European scaleups, SMBs, and enterprises on delivering digital products and extending in-house development teams.

Sunscrapers zapewnia nam pizzę i napoje dostępne dla uczestników w trakcie spotkania.

Koło Naukowe BIT

Koło naukowe BIT to przede wszystkim miejsce, gdzie studenci AGH mogą rozwijać swoje zainteresowania i się nimi dzielić. Znajdziemy tutaj ludzi zainteresowanych nowoczesnymi metodami tworzenia oprogramowania, aktualnymi technologiami webowymi, a także algorytmami czy sztuczną inteligencją.

Oprócz rozwijania swoich pasji, dzielimy się też wiedzą z zakresu studiów, prowadząc zajęcia wprowadzające w dziedziny matematyki i informatyki dla osób, które wcześniej nie miały z danymi zagadnieniami styczności. Wszystko po to, żeby wymienić się doświadczeniem i szybciej oraz lepiej przygotować się na zajęcia na uczelni.

Koło naukowe zapewnia nam miejsce na spotkanie.


JetBrains dostarcza 2 roczne licencje na dowolny z ich produktów, które zostaną rozdane uczestnikom w konkursie ogłoszonym w trakcie spotkania.


Cracow Linux Users Group is a community of enthusiasts of computer science, technology and operating systems from the Unix family.

CLUG zapewnia streaming spotkania na kanale pykonika na platformie YouTube.



Lokalizacja Centrum Informatyki, AGH, D-17, Kawiory 21, Kraków