Hi Everyone!
Pykonik is a community of those using, learning or curious about Python. This is the final meetup of the Spring 2023 season, and before we take a summer break, we're doing a new format, this time also joined with PyData
We have lots of speakers and topics, so each talk will last max 10 minutes. We want to keep it focused, fun and cover a broad range of ideas. If you want to present something about any topic (non technical is also ok), please contact us on Discord or submit it through the form since we may still have a few talk slots available!
Agenda: 18:00 – Welcome 18:30 – Talks 19:15 – Networking break with Free Pizza 19:45 – More talks ??:?? – The End & going to the after party
Rozłączony zawodowo zajmuje się audytami bezpieczeństwa oprogramowania w Trail of Bits, szukając dziur poprzez manualną analizę działanie kodu, narzędzia do statycznej analizy kodu oraz fuzzery. Poza pracą grywa CTFy z justCatTheFish, reviewuje artykuły w Paged Out! oraz Magazyn Programista, wspina się oraz jeździ na łyżwach.
Sebastian is a Python consultant specializing in full-stack development, operations, and project management. He has written code for both scientific institutions like the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Fortune 500 companies. In his spare time, he likes to talk about best practices, tools, and productivity.