Tech Talks #63

Czwartek, 27.04.2023 18:00

Welcome to our April 2023 Meetup! Pykonik is a community of those using, learning or curious about Python.

🚀 This time we have a very special edition organised in cooperation with Cosmo PK at Politechnika Krakowska 🚀

How to find us?

If you have trouble figuring out how to find the correct room check out the video below:

Prince Canuma

Revolutionizing Software Engineering: Leveraging LLMs for Enhanced Prototyping and Reasoning English

Prince Canuma an ML and software engineer examines the impact of Large Language Models (LLMs) on software development process. This talk explores LLMs as prototyping and reasoning engines, highlighting their benefits and ethical considerations. Discover how LLMs can reshape the future of software engineering and drive innovation in the field.

Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota

Lightning Talks by disconnect3d English

Disconnect3d will talk about:

  • "18th Windows Conference", or rather, how you could deface one of conference websites<br>
  • Interesting Postgresql replication bug from "Collector" task from PlaidCTF 2023
  • A bit about faster Python in CPython 3.11
  • How environment variables work, and why hiding them with os.environ['API_KEY'] = '**' doesn't make much sense


Zdjecie Prince Canuma

Prince Canuma

Prince Canuma an ML and software engineer. Developer advocate at

Zdjecie Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota

Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota Strona prelegenta

Rozłączony zawodowo zajmuje się audytami bezpieczeństwa oprogramowania w Trail of Bits, szukając dziur poprzez manualną analizę działanie kodu, narzędzia do statycznej analizy kodu oraz fuzzery. Poza pracą grywa CTFy z justCatTheFish, reviewuje artykuły w Paged Out! oraz Magazyn Programista, wspina się oraz jeździ na łyżwach.


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Cracow Linux Users Group is a community of enthusiasts of computer science, technology and operating systems from the Unix family.



Lokalizacja Politechnika Krakowska (budynek Działownia), ul. Warszawska 24