Tech Talks #62

Czwartek, 30.03.2023 18:00

Michał Bultrowicz

Developer workflow with local tests using docker-compose English

Containers have revolutionized many aspects of software development. In particular - testing.

Testing applications with the same data bases (e.g. Postgres, Redis), queues (e.g. Kafka), etc. that they'll rely on in production grants a substantially higher degree of confidence in the software, than tests with mocks or in-memory fakes of real connectors.

In this presentation I'll show how I use docker-compose for local running and testing of the app being developed. How to adjust the code and set the configuration to make your work faster, ease on-boarding of new team members, and, above all, to increase the quality. The presented techniques emerged from working on a couple projects across the last 5 years.

The example code will be a Python back-end app, but the techniques will apply in other programming languages, and not only for back-end applications.

The presentation assumes at least a passing familiarity with Docker and docker-compose.

Sebastian Buczyński

Ma 100% pokrycia kodu i pisze MNIEJ testów! [ZOBACZ JAK] Polish

Wokół code coverage i wymuszania w kodzie określonego poziomu pokrycia narosło wiele mitów. Z pewnością można popsuć sobie w ten sposób przyjemność z kodowania i dorobić sporo głupiej roboty, ale można też wykorzystać je dla większej produktywności czy poczucia większej kontroli i łatwiejszego wchodzenia we flow.

W tej prezentacji podyskutujemy o strategii testowania i procesie rozwijania kodu, który świetnie komponuje się z 100% pokryciem kodu i nie zostawia złych wspomnień.

Przyjdź koniecznie, jeśli uważasz pisanie testów za smutny obowiązek.



Zdjecie Michał Bultrowicz

Michał Bultrowicz Strona prelegenta

I'm a passionate software developer who's used to creating business-critical applications and handling the challenges and pressure that come with that. I love Python, Linux, and all software that's both elegant and resilient. I have a strong belief in gradual change, evolutionary architecture, and continuous testing. I like staying close to the state of the art in my areas of expertise, but I've noticed that inspiration can come from pretty much anywhere.

Zdjecie Sebastian Buczyński

Sebastian Buczyński Strona prelegenta

W branży od ponad dekady lat z doświadczeniami lidera technicznego i architekta. Trener/konsultant w Bottega IT Minds, specjalizacja - Python. Architekt w firmie Sauce Labs. Zafascynowany zwinnym wytwarzaniem oprogramowania bez kompromisów w kwestii jakości.


Sponsorzy spotkania

Deployed is a team of passionate software developers. Since 2011, we've been helping our clients to run and scale their businesses. With continuous growth, we now employ over 30 great team members.

What do we do?

We work with international companies in multicultural and diverse environments. We are experts in Python and Django. We also specialize in ReactJS and React Native as well as AWS.

What differentiates us from our competitors is that we scrutinously test our code, focus on quality in the development process, while writing and deploying clean code. Each year, we host Pykonik's website and provide sponsorship of related events.

Come along and say hi to our team members!

We are always looking for experienced Python/Django developers as well as fullstack developers, React/React Native developers, QA engineers and Systems administrators. Please don't hesitate to drop us an email on hello at



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