Tech Talks #55

Czwartek, 25.11.2021 19:00

Piotr Gnus

The magic of pyproject.toml English Link do prezentacji

In this talk we'll learn why the pyproject.toml file format was created, what issues does it solve and what issues does it bring to the Python world. Is it good? Is it bad? We will find out!

Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota

CPython bugs review English Link do prezentacji

In this talk we will look into a few bug cases in CPython, some of which are still present and may impose a security risk for admins or organizations.



Zdjecie Piotr Gnus

Piotr Gnus

I'm a Python developer experienced with web frameworks, especially Django and FastAPI.

Zdjecie Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota

Dominik 'disconnect3d' Czarnota Strona prelegenta

Rozłączony zawodowo zajmuje się audytami bezpieczeństwa oprogramowania w Trail of Bits, szukając dziur poprzez manualną analizę działanie kodu, narzędzia do statycznej analizy kodu oraz fuzzery. Poza pracą grywa CTFy z justCatTheFish, reviewuje artykuły w Paged Out! oraz Magazyn Programista, wspina się oraz jeździ na łyżwach.




Sponsorzy spotkania


Cracow Linux Users Group is a community of enthusiasts of computer science, technology and operating systems from the Unix family.


W trakcie spotkania rozdane zostaną dwie roczne licencje dowolnego produktu JetBrains wliczając w to PyCharm Professional.

Deployed is a team of passionate software developers. Since 2011, we've been helping our clients to run and scale their businesses. With continuous growth, we now employ over 30 great team members.

What do we do?

We work with international companies in multicultural and diverse environments. We are experts in Python and Django. We also specialize in ReactJS and React Native as well as AWS.

What differentiates us from our competitors is that we scrutinously test our code, focus on quality in the development process, while writing and deploying clean code. Each year, we host Pykonik's website and provide sponsorship of related events.

Come along and say hi to our team members!

We are always looking for experienced Python/Django developers as well as fullstack developers, React/React Native developers, QA engineers and Systems administrators. Please don't hesitate to drop us an email on hello at

Thanks to DEPLOYED there would be pizza waiting for attendees.



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