Tech Talks #48

Czwartek, 28.11.2019 18:30

Jakub Paczkowski

Gracefully handling legacy code English

Most of us has worked with legacy code at some point- you start a new job, clone a repository and...start crying. What you see is untested, untestable and unreadable code. Usually it leads to all kinds of frustrations- bugs, misunderstanding with business, missed deadlines. In this talk I'm going to show you a few techniques that can be used to make work with legacy code less painful and more predictable.

Artur Cygan

Dependencies with Nix English

Python has a long and interesting history with dependency management. A number of tools has been created and popularized to address various programmer's needs. I would like to give an additional point of view to that by showing how to use Nix to manage dependencies for a Python program. Nix is a cross platform package manager with some unique properties distinguishing it from the classical ones. It is not common to know Nix so don't worry, I will explain what it is, what is has to do with Python and software in general.



Zdjecie Jakub Paczkowski

Jakub Paczkowski

Python develop and enthusiast for last 11 years, currently working as Director of Engineering at SpotOn. I love simple and clean solutions, focused on usability and robustness. Privately motorcycling enthusiast in summer and indoor sports in winter.

Zdjecie Artur Cygan

Artur Cygan Strona prelegenta

Functional advocate and security enthusiast. I tend to dissect ideas down to the first principles and question the status quo. Through my adventure with programming, I've learned that there is no silver bullet and everything is subject to a context. I'm focusing on making sure the programs we build are actually doing the right thing.


Sponsorzy spotkania


Chcesz zmienić swoje życie i pracować w branży IT? Wiemy, czego potrzebujesz, by z przytupem rozpocząć karierę! Codecool to profesjonalna szkoła programistów, dzięki której zdobędziesz wszystkie umiejętności miękkie i techniczne, potrzebne w pracy programisty. Po naszym kursie zostaniesz gotowym do pracy specjalistą, który potrafi samodzielnie pokierować swoją karierą. Jesteśmy tego pewni dlatego dajemy Ci gwarancję, że znajdziesz pracę jako programista! 96% absolwentów Codecool znajduje pracę w IT w ciągu maksymalnie czterech miesięcy od ukończenia kursu.


At FLYR, we're changing the way airline industries use data to ease the traveller’s experience from dynamic pricing, elastic demand forecasting, to bundling the best offers for end users. We’re taking off on a mission to deliver a real-time prediction and tracking platform to major travel industry partners, each with millions of consumers hungry for a new, first-rate travel shopping experience.

To achieve this vision, we’re looking for smart people in Kraków, Poland. As a team of Data Science, Software Engineers, Product Geeks, we strongly believe that understanding client’s big data and implementing the final algorithm architecture is key to building a great product!

Thanks to FLYR there would be pizza and something to drink waiting for attendees.



Lokalizacja Codecool, Ślusarska 9