Tech Talks #47

Czwartek, 24.10.2019 18:30

Łukasz Dudek

Type hints 101 English

Type hints have been around since Python 3.5 & they're slowly encroaching further into most of the standard library as well as popular third-party libraries around the Python ecosystem. Want to know how to start annotating your code? I'll tell you a bit about the rationale behind using them, explain basic syntax, show what can be achieved with typing library & the "official third party" static type checker - mypy.

Michał Wysokiński

Sending config files to 270 000 servers using Python English

So you've got a lot of servers running many different combinations of your services. How do you ship their configs? There's actually a number of ways to achieve that: Ansible, etcd/confd, distributed file system or maybe simple plain env vars. However all of them give up when the number of your servers is 270 000 and growing... How to ship all that data? Imagine shipping a 500MB blacklist file with malicious domains at this scale. How to provide consistency? You don't want to serve an old version of your client's website when there's a short term sales event. Or how to make sure that the change you are going to send is safe for the network? Remember any famous CDN failures because of a bad config file? There are many challenges in the world of Metadata at scale and during the talk you'll see how Akamai is dealing with them using our beloved Python.



Zdjecie Łukasz Dudek

Łukasz Dudek Strona prelegenta

Applied Python to many areas, with better (fog computing, distributed control systems) or worse (systems programming) effects. Has a growing affection for Rust & wonders how it can be slipped into his day-to-day work. Apart from programming, you can talk to him about noisy music. Currently working as a software engineer at Silvair.

Zdjecie Michał Wysokiński

Michał Wysokiński

Michal Wysokinski is a software engineer at Frameworks and Tools team making sure that Akamai is using only best tools for the job. He’s most recent work involves developing a framework for monitoring and testing Akamai’s vast CDN network of nearly 240 000 servers and creating a tool for alerting and live analysis based on microservices logs produced by Akamai’s internal cloud platform.


Sponsorzy spotkania


Silvair is a rapidly growing company developing innovative IoT technologies for the smart lighting industry. We provide advanced software solutions for wireless lighting control and commercial building automation. As a leading contributor to the Bluetooth SIG, we drove the development of Bluetooth mesh - a new communication standard for the Internet of Things. We were the first company in the world to develop a qualified Bluetooth mesh stack


At Akamai, our mission is to make digital experiences fast, intelligent and secure. Our intelligent edge platform surrounds everything, from the enterprise to the cloud. It keeps apps and experiences closer to users — and attacks and threats far away.


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