Tech Talks #44

Czwartek, 09.05.2019 18:30

Fatih Erikli

Text processing and machine learning in Python English Link do prezentacji

Natural Language Processing is part of artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and natural languages data. Python has a wide library range to work on each NLP task. We will be going over the main outlines of machine learning and python libraries that make these tasks easier to solve.

Piotr Gnus

JSON Web Tokens: What they are and why they (don't) bite English Link do prezentacji

This talk will contain short introduction to JSON Web Tokens, why they exist, how to use them properly, what security issues they can introduce when used improperly, why there are sooo many signing methods and which of them you should use. There will also be some tips and tricks, i.e. how to put encrypted and unencrypted data in them.



Zdjecie Fatih Erikli

Fatih Erikli

Full-stack web developer focused on natural language processing tasks.

Zdjecie Piotr Gnus

Piotr Gnus

I'm a Python developer experienced with web frameworks, especially Django and FastAPI.


Sponsorzy spotkania


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Symphony Solutions

Symphony Solutions is a digital transformation company with its headquarters based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and delivery centers in Lviv, Ukraine; Krakow and Rzeszow, Poland; and Skopje, Macedonia. Symphony Solutions is providing Western European clients with high quality IT and Consultancy services.

Thanks to Symphony Solutions there would be pizza waiting for you during the networking time.



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