15Five is a company that helps create world-class workplaces by improving their culture, engagement, performance, and retentation through a focus on manager effectiveness and supporting people in becoming their best selves. 15Five is uniquely aligned to the science of human thriving and mimics what the best people managers in the world naturally do.
Thanks to 15Five there will be pizza and something to drink waiting for attendees.
Chcesz zmienić swoje życie i pracować w branży IT? Wiemy, czego potrzebujesz, by z przytupem rozpocząć karierę! Codecool to profesjonalna szkoła programistów, dzięki której zdobędziesz wszystkie umiejętności miękkie i techniczne, potrzebne w pracy programisty. Po naszym kursie zostaniesz gotowym do pracy specjalistą, który potrafi samodzielnie pokierować swoją karierą. Jesteśmy tego pewni dlatego dajemy Ci gwarancję, że znajdziesz pracę jako programista! 96% absolwentów Codecool znajduje pracę w IT w ciągu maksymalnie czterech miesięcy od ukończenia kursu.
Codete is a software company based in Poland specializing in custom software development and IT consulting. Our first office opened in Cracow in 2010, and we have since expanded to Lublin, Berlin, and coworking spaces in major Polish cities (Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Gdansk). 350+ specialists 12+ years of professional experience 120+ projects finished 70+ clients from around the world We collaborate with businesses from all over the world, including the DACH region, Israel, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the United States, and Hong Kong. In 2020, we partnered with the University Hospital of Cracow to support the institution's research and development efforts by analyzing medical data using Data Science (ML, AI, and others).
Deployed is a team of passionate software developers. Since 2011, we've been helping our clients to run and scale their businesses. With continuous growth, we now employ over 30 great team members.
What do we do?
We work with international companies in multicultural and diverse environments. We are experts in Python and Django. We also specialize in ReactJS and React Native as well as AWS.
What differentiates us from our competitors is that we scrutinously test our code, focus on quality in the development process, while writing and deploying clean code. Each year, we host Pykonik's website and provide sponsorship of related events.
Come along and say hi to our team members!
We are always looking for experienced Python/Django developers as well as fullstack developers, React/React Native developers, QA engineers and Systems administrators. Please don't hesitate to drop us an email on hello at deployed.pl
At FLYR, we're changing the way airline industries use data to ease the traveller’s experience from dynamic pricing, elastic demand forecasting, to bundling the best offers for end users. We’re taking off on a mission to deliver a real-time prediction and tracking platform to major travel industry partners, each with millions of consumers hungry for a new, first-rate travel shopping experience.
To achieve this vision, we’re looking for smart people in Kraków, Poland. As a team of Data Science, Software Engineers, Product Geeks, we strongly believe that understanding client’s big data and implementing the final algorithm architecture is key to building a great product!
Thanks to FLYR there would be pizza and something to drink waiting for attendees.
Gcore accelerates AI training, provides comprehensive cloud services, improves content delivery, and protects servers and applications. Gcore collaborates with industry giants like Intel, Dell, NVIDIA, Graphcore, and Equinix to do so. Millions worldwide use apps and games based on Gcore’s infrastructure and services. The company is trusted by World of Tanks, Albion Online, Avast, Photon, Unity, Sandbox Interactive, and others. To learn more about Gcore, please check out its product website, Careers page, or LinkedIn page.
We build the autonomous testing platform used by our customers (Facebook, WhatsApp, Microsoft) and 35,000 professional testers around the world. Why it’s worth to work with us? Work in a fast feedback and deployment environment. Deploy multiple times a day to production with DevOps environment on Kubernetes. Use the latest tools and technology platforms Python, S3, Lambda, Kinesis, Spark, Redis, PostgreSQL on RDS. Personal and professional growth to fuel your career. You can learn machine learning with us while building autonomous tester. Thanks to Global App Testing there would be pizza waiting for attendees.
Ever considered hosting on Airbnb? It can open a world of opportunity. More time, more money, more freedom. But it’s not easy - sourcing, managing and dealing with a constant changeover of tenants can be tricky. That’s why here at Houst we’re using tech to revolutionise hosting. From powerful host dashboards to industry-leading housekeeping apps, technology drives everything we do. We’re working on ambitious challenges which no one’s solved before. It won’t be easy, but that’s not why you’re here. You want to make a real impact, shape a business, and have fun doing it. So join us. Together, we’ll define great hosting.
Koło naukowe BIT to przede wszystkim miejsce, gdzie studenci AGH mogą rozwijać swoje zainteresowania i się nimi dzielić. Znajdziemy tutaj ludzi zainteresowanych nowoczesnymi metodami tworzenia oprogramowania, aktualnymi technologiami webowymi, a także algorytmami czy sztuczną inteligencją.
Oprócz rozwijania swoich pasji, dzielimy się też wiedzą z zakresu studiów, prowadząc zajęcia wprowadzające w dziedziny matematyki i informatyki dla osób, które wcześniej nie miały z danymi zagadnieniami styczności. Wszystko po to, żeby wymienić się doświadczeniem i szybciej oraz lepiej przygotować się na zajęcia na uczelni.
"Programista" to 2-miesięcznik skierowany do zawodowych programistów i członków zespołów IT. Magazyn ukazuj się od stycznia 2012 roku w wersji drukowanej, jak również w wersji elektronicznej.
Celem magazynu jest dostarczanie profesjonalnych i ciekawych materiałów, uzupełniających i poszerzających wiedzę czytelników. Programista stawia na nowości, ale nie zapomina o starszych rozwiązaniach. Artykuły są pisane przez naukowców i znanych specjalistów z branży.
W lutym ukazało się setne wydanie magazynu.
We’re Merixstudio - a full-stack, agile software house located in Poznań. We plan, design and develop web applications & digital products since 1999. We love startups (and understand their challenges perfectly as we also founded one). According to Clutch, we’re one of the best Python & Django companies in the world. Thanks to our deep understanding of business goals, transparent processes, agile approach to each project, we deliver excellent results to all clients with a strong demand for digital products. Our team has more than 75 creative technologists. Together we create a great place to work where we share common values: trust, respect, and flexibility. Our experts give speeches at multiple countrywide events like PyCon PL, PyCode, PyTech, PyWaw, PyRa, Wroc.Py to name a few. Let’s meet at PyKonik!
Netguru is a team of over 600 people including web and mobile engineers along with project managers, quality assurance specialists, product designers, and support staff. We are a remote-first company with eight offices in Poznan, Warsaw, Cracow, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Bialystok, Lodz and Katowice. Our team members are passionate about web and mobile technologies and thrive on working with clients on innovative products and helping them improve the world through software.
Printbox is an enterprise photo product software provider which helps businesses worldwide be ahead of the game. The complete solution includes highly personalized editors to design photo products, a powerful RWD and mobile package, and built-in e-commerce. We are partners of well-known stores and photo business beginners in over 50 countries.
ShopRunner is a members-only online shopping service that offers time-starved consumers unlimited, free two-day shipping with no minimum order size, and free shipping on returns across a wide selection of today's most popular retailers. ShopRunner is the main support in organizing the online only Pykonik meeting.
Silvair is a rapidly growing company developing innovative IoT technologies for the smart lighting industry. We provide advanced software solutions for wireless lighting control and commercial building automation. As a leading contributor to the Bluetooth SIG, we drove the development of Bluetooth mesh - a new communication standard for the Internet of Things. We were the first company in the world to develop a qualified Bluetooth mesh stack
SpotOn is a software company dedicated to redefining the merchant services industry. SpotOn combines payment processing with customer engagement and business management solutions, giving small and medium businesses the data and tools they need to run and grow their business.
Our tools increase revenue and connect businesses with their customers using rewards, deals, online reviews, website building, and data analytics.
Tools like these were previously only available to big businesses with big bankrolls and their own developers, but our platform caters to neighborhood stores, independent retailers, and other small to midsize businesses. We have our service deployed in many cities across the U.S. and Mexico.
Our technologies - Backend (Python, Golang) - Front end (React) - Mobile development (iOS i Android) - Testing & Designing
Our industries - Restaurants Payment solutions, printers & facilities - Services Booking management systems - Retail & e-commerce Powerful websites
Sunscrapers is an elite Python development company that helps clients set up dedicated development teams in Poland, made of the most talented, experienced, and motivated software engineers.
Since 2010, we’ve been working with ambitious US and European scaleups, SMBs, and enterprises on delivering digital products and extending in-house development teams.
Symphony Solutions is a digital transformation company with its headquarters based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and delivery centers in Lviv, Ukraine; Krakow and Rzeszow, Poland; and Skopje, Macedonia. Symphony Solutions is providing Western European clients with high quality IT and Consultancy services.
Thanks to Symphony Solutions there would be pizza waiting for you during the networking time.
Talixo is the global leading operator of innovative pre-booked ground transfer products. Available in over 100 countries and 1000 cities, Talixo offers a globally standardized booking experience specialized on the needs of nowadays travelers. Most often used for Airport rides, due to perks like flight tracking and extended waiting times, it can also be used for Point-to-Point transfers. Talixo uses today's bleeding edge technology to its advantage in order to make the booking process as easy and fluent as possible.
Since 2012, Trail of Bits has helped secure some of the world’s most targeted organizations and products. They combine high-end security research with a real-world attacker mentality to reduce risk and fortify code.
See their website, blog and publications repository.
At Vatix, we believe that the future of work doesn’t work without the right tools. We make products to raise the standards of workers' safety and productivity. We build our systems while focusing on efficiency. Like our customers we’re achieving the success with the best assets possible. Vatix is trusted by over 450 customers, who rely on products like Lone Worker Safety, Incident Reporting, Audits and Inspections with more coming soon. All the products are used in real-life scenarios bringing Safe and Productive environment to employees around the world.
Firma XCaliber została utworzona jako niezależny zespół ekspertów, którzy wspólnie tworzą jedne z najbardziej innowacyjnych technologii w branży iGaming. XCaliber stara się utrzymywać środowisko, które pielęgnuje talenty i innowacje, dając zespołowi potrzebne narzędzia, aby mogli doskonalić powierzone projekty, a także swoje umiejętności.
Zespół XCaliber to nie tylko eksperci, ale również entuzjaści języków programowania, technologii informatycznych i zapewniania jakości.
Oprócz rozwoju stawiamy na dobrą atmosferę! Wspólne podróże, posiłki i wydarzenia tworzą silny, zgrany zespół, który ma na celu przenieść firmę i jej produkty w przyszłość.
Firma w ciągu ostatniego roku rozwinęła się prawie o połowę i nie zamierzamy na tym poprzestać. Obecnie nasze biura znajdują się w Katowicach, Sliemie (Malta) oraz niebawem w kolejnym europejskim mieście.
XCaliber pokryje dojazd prelegenta oraz zapewni piwo dla uczestników spotkania.