Adrianna Tokarska - data scientist with a primary focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP)
I have started coding in 2006, initially I was freelancing and searching customers on my own, but from 2013 I started working in outsourcing IT companies, in the last 5 years I was involved in various Python projects for clients like Cisco, RetailMeNot, Ernst&Young, Virtualstock. For the last 1+ year I work in Symphony Solutions. I find software development the most interesting for me personally. I also keep up with recent developments and try to be as up to date with the latest technology and science as I can.
Functional advocate and security enthusiast. I tend to dissect ideas down to the first principles and question the status quo. Through my adventure with programming, I've learned that there is no silver bullet and everything is subject to a context. I'm focusing on making sure the programs we build are actually doing the right thing.
EN: I'm a software engineering manager on a career break. Just before taking a break I was a mobile engineering manager at Memrise, that I discovered when learning languages through the app (Tak, uczę się polskiego!). My previous jobs include leading the Code For Life team (free open source online coding games) at Ocado, leading teams, being a PO and developing in Python for the NAO robot at Aldebaran (now Softbank Robotics). I love sharing knowledge, writing, languages, language processing in Python, parkour, exploring, alternative modeling, reading, drawing, plant-based food and anything creative.
PO: Jestem menadżerką software ale teraz mam przerwę w karierze. Wcześniej pracowałam w Memrise (uczę się polskiego!), w Code For Life/Ocado Technology i w Aldebaran (teraz Softbank Robotics) jako menadżerka, właścicielka produktu i programistka robotyka Python. Uwielbiam uczyć i uczyć się, pisać, języki, NLP, Python, parkour, odkrywanie, alternatywne style, czytać, rysować, jedzenie roślinne i wszystko kreatywne.
I'm a developer, engineering leader and entrepreneur living in Berlin, currently the Tech Lead of the Farm Service Domain at Infarm.
I'm a proactive member in the tech community, through contributions to open source software, coaching, speaking and organising events.
In the last years I organized more than 20 events, ranging from meetups to +1000 people conferences, like EuroPython and PyCon DE & PyData Berlin.
I'm a Python Software Foundation Fellow and former board member of the EuroPython Society.
Christopher Lozinski is an MIT graduate, serial entrepreneur, dual US-EU citizen, and polyglot. Instead of seeking Venture Capital, he moved from Silicon Valley to Poland. He runs a catalogue of the Best Python Lightning Talks at, he released the Forest Chat Wiki at, and is about to release the Simple Scalable MQTT Topic Logger
Clara McCreery is a software engineer at r2c, the company that maintains Semgrep, an open-source syntax-aware code search tool. At r2c, her primary work has been as a full-stack developer on the ( web app. Clara recently received her M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford, where she specialized in machine learning. In her free time, Clara is a classical violinist, a not-so-classical steel pan player, and played trombone exactly once in the Stanford Marching band.
Rozłączony zawodowo zajmuje się audytami bezpieczeństwa oprogramowania w Trail of Bits, szukając dziur poprzez manualną analizę działanie kodu, narzędzia do statycznej analizy kodu oraz fuzzery. Poza pracą grywa CTFy z justCatTheFish, reviewuje artykuły w Paged Out! oraz Magazyn Programista, wspina się oraz jeździ na łyżwach.
Full-stack web developer focused on natural language processing tasks.
I am a Developer and PC gamer. Currently, working as Senior Python Developer in XCaliber Malta developing an iGaming platform.
Senior Software Engineer at ShopRunner. Apart from implementing workflows, used to work on search engine and order management system. A Python enthusiast but not tied to particular programming language. Previously had a chance to write production code in C++, Kotlin, Java or Go. After work he likes spending time playing guitar or reading good literature.
Python develop and enthusiast for last 11 years, currently working as Director of Engineering at SpotOn. I love simple and clean solutions, focused on usability and robustness. Privately motorcycling enthusiast in summer and indoor sports in winter.
Na co dzień mieszka w Warszawie. Głównie web developer w Pythonie / JavaScript, fan Dockera i automatyzacji. CTO startupu eSport'owego, team leader w niemieckiej firmie VideoBeat. Oprócz tworzenia serwisów internetowych ma doświadczenia zarówno z proceduralną grafiką 3D, programowaniem gier, jak i uczeniem maszynowym w Pythonie czy przetwarzaniem filmów. W wolnej chwili programuje ;), żongluje, gra w gry i jeździ na rowerze.
Python developer focused on community. Member, common speaker and co-organiser of Pykonik. Coordinator of Python Challenge competitions at PyConPL since 2015. Coding in Python for 10 years with a focus on web development. Currently working for Houst. In the spare time a fantasy lover and organiser of Fornost convention. His common answer for question: "what do you like in programming" is "people".
Pythonista, dziennikarz, fantasta, erpegowiec, mlekoholik. Aktywny działacz społeczności oraz współtwórca konferencji 4Developers, Atmosphere czy DevOpsDays Warsaw. Propagator rozwiązań DevOps w biznesie i technologiach. Nowe poziomy wbija kodując dla i jeżdżąc rowerem. Po godzinach tworzy kanał telewizji internetowej Raport Obieżyświata. Regularnie prowadzi sesje gier fabularnych i organizuje oficjalne rozgrywki D&D Adventurers League w Krakowie.
Python developer, journalist, TTRPG Game Master, and milkaholic. An active participant in dev communities and co-organizer of meetups and DevOps conferences in Poland. He’s always looking for ways to push DevOps into every project he touches. During the day, he levels up his experience at Splunk. When not tinkering with code, he runs TTRPG sessions, trains in Acro Yoga, and enjoys video or board games. Goes by the nickname "Ivellios".
Jason has worked with Python since 1998 when for a compilers course co-authored a compiler for Python. Since then, his passion for the language has driven him to build web applications including an SVG library for international peacekeeping, built web-scale applications for public data systems, and contribute functionality to core Python. This passion has driven Jason to adopt important packages in the Python ecosystem, including keyring, setuptools, CherryPy, and path, and to innovate with tools like pip-run and importlib.metadata that aim to address some of the stickier corners of the Python experience. Jason currently maintains over 140 packages on PyPI and brings a perspective that goes back to Python 1.5.
Obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science in 2015 at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. CTO and founder of Codete. Leading and mentoring teams at Codete. Working with Fortune 500 companies on data science projects. Built a research lab for machine learning methods and big data solutions at Codete. Gives speeches and trainings in data science with a focus on applied machine learning in German, Polish, and English. Used to be an O’Reilly trainer.
Uzyskał tytuł doktora nauk technicznych z Informatyki w 2015 roku na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Jest założycielem i CTO firmy Codete oraz Medtransfer. Zarządza oraz monitoruje zespołem w Medtransfer. Pracuje z firmami z listy Fortune 500 realizując projekty z obszaru data science. Zbudował dział badawczy, który pracuje nad rozwiązaniami bazującymi na metodach uczenia maszynowego oraz rozwiązań z obszaru Big Data. Prowadzi wykłady, prelekcje oraz szkolenia w języku niemieckim, polskim oraz angielskim w obszarze data science, w szczególności w zastosowaniu metod uczenia maszynowego w praktyce. Był trenerem szkoleń w wydawnictwie O’Reilly.
Experienced programmer that loves everything from microcontrollers up to machine learning. Python enthusiast focused on ML toolkits, network programming (not only Web), high performance computing and numerical analysis.
Applied Python to many areas, with better (fog computing, distributed control systems) or worse (systems programming) effects. Has a growing affection for Rust & wonders how it can be slipped into his day-to-day work. Apart from programming, you can talk to him about noisy music. Currently working as a software engineer at Silvair.
Software developer od ponad 10 lat. Pythonowiec od pierwszego wejrzenia. Obecnie pracuje jako Software Development Manager w XCaliber Poland rozwijając platformę gamingową.
Programista Pythona i C++ od ładnych parunastu lat. Ma za sobą udział jako prelegent w konferencjach takich jak SecurityBsides, 4Developers czy PyConPL oraz wiele, wiele lightning talków (Confidence, PyConPL, etc...). Organizator Nocy Informatyka w Krakowie. W lecie pływa na desce windsurfingowej, w zimie jeździ na monoski. Hackuje cały czas.
Maciek is Cloud Operations (aka Cloud Acrobat) @Codewise. He's also open source contributor, enthusiast and evangelist supporting OWASP, Fedora Linux distro and a couple of containerization projects. Maciej believes in chaos engineering and automation - preferably achieved in a most pythonic way. He's a true Linux nerd.
You can catch him on Twitter @docent_net and also see his work on github/@docent-net and his personal blog/ Besides Maciek runs sport blog and podcast/
I began my career as a Python Developer, progressing into Data Engineering and Data Science before taking on my current role as a Platform Engineer. Tackling unconventional challenges and complex problems drives my continued growth. Outside of work, I enjoy playing video games and diving into more intricate board games.
Greetings! I am an enthusiast of technology and innovation, navigating the ever-evolving landscapes of the digital realm. With a passion for creativity and a penchant for problem-solving, I find joy in exploring the intersections of code and design.
My journey has been a tapestry of diverse experiences, from delving into the intricacies of programming languages to unraveling the possibilities of digital art. The digital canvas is where I express my ideas, blending logic and imagination into harmonious solutions.
Beyond the screen, I am an advocate for continuous learning and believe in the power of knowledge to transform perspectives. Whether immersed in lines of code or contemplating the wonders of the natural world, I am on a perpetual quest for inspiration.
"Be yourself and don't go with the flow."
Jest programistą Pythona w firmie Clearcode z 5 letnim stażem, a także elektronikiem amatorem. Członek zarządu Hackerspace SIlesia, w przeszłości prowadził wiele warsztatów związanych z programowaniem i był jednym z organizatorów HackSilesia #2 oraz #3. Fascynuje się astronomią i zdarza mu się tańczyć salsę.
I’ve graduated from philosophy and social science. True to Zed A. Shaw advice from Learn Python the Hard Way, I entered the tech world as an anthropologist with barely enough of the local language to get around and survive*. And there I stayed. My next step led me to the Django Girls community - first as an attendee, then as a couch, committer and organizer. Currently, I’m working as a Python developer at Talixo.
In my free time, I’m involved in the extreme sports of mountain hiking with kids and dancing flamenco.
Mateusz Juściński, Software Engineer at Gcore, with 18 years of professional experience. He started as a web developer and focused on distributed systems and system programming year after year. A taster of quality code, he loves to replace people with short bash scripts. In his free time, he is a historical reenactor (late middle age), woodworker, and weaver.
I'm a passionate software developer who's used to creating business-critical applications and handling the challenges and pressure that come with that. I love Python, Linux, and all software that's both elegant and resilient. I have a strong belief in gradual change, evolutionary architecture, and continuous testing. I like staying close to the state of the art in my areas of expertise, but I've noticed that inspiration can come from pretty much anywhere.
Michał od wielu lat programuje szeroko pojęte aplikacje serwerowe, back-endy i urządzenia embedded. Z tego powodu nie pozwalają mu dotykać UI. Uważa, że historia zatacza koło, a branża IT co 10 lat na nowo wymyśla LISPa. Sam nie wie czemu zajmuje się Pythonem, skoro prawdziwi mężczyźni piszą tylko w ANSI C.
Michal Wysokinski is a software engineer at Frameworks and Tools team making sure that Akamai is using only best tools for the job. He’s most recent work involves developing a framework for monitoring and testing Akamai’s vast CDN network of nearly 240 000 servers and creating a tool for alerting and live analysis based on microservices logs produced by Akamai’s internal cloud platform.
Senior Android Developer at SpotOn, traveler, sailor, former quidditch player and recently also a dad.
Ze swoim 10 letnim doświadczeniem, Miłosz Kusiciel jest nie tylko Python Developerem, ale także Head of Development w Merixstudio. W swojej codziennej pracy skupia się na zarządzaniu pracą zespołu i poszukiwaniu usprawnień oraz nowych możliwości. Jednak przede wszystkim zajmuje się pisaniem aplikacji. Bardzo lubi dzielić swoją wiedzą podczas wydarzeń związanych z programowaniem - dotychczas prowadził prelekcje podczas PyCon, PyCode, Django Hotspot czy Dev College Combo. Jego zainteresowania to nowe technologie, procesy automatyzacji oraz branża startupowa.
A graduated linguist and an aspiring Python developer of Ukrainian origin. Interested in NLP, web development, and machine learning / data science. Worked for the machine translation startup Multillect and graduated from the Grammarly Summer school of computational linguistics. Loves aviation and prefers wine over beer :)
Lubię rozwiązywać problemy (niekoniecznie, które sam stworzyłem :) ), dlatego zostałem programistą. Pracuję w tym zawodzie ok 7 lat już. Jakiś czas temu zacząłem uczyć programowania (głównie przy użyciu pythona) co na nowo pozwoliło odnaleźć mi w tym fun. Poza pracą lubię grzebać przy devopsowych technologiach. Tak całkiem poza pracą wspinam się i jeżdżę na szosie.
Paweł is a Penetration Tester and Security Researcher at Snowflake, focusing on app and cloud security. He performs penetration tests and infrastructure audits for a wide range of IT projects. He likes to share his knowledge by leading various workshops, giving conference talks, and teaching at universities. In his free time, he is a CTF player (member of justCatTheFish) and enjoys buying too many Legos, despite the lack of space for more.
I'm a Python developer experienced with web frameworks, especially Django and FastAPI.
Programista od blisko 40 lat - rola przeplatana a często łączona z administrowaniem systemami unixo-podobnymi.
W latach '90 ubiegłego wieku pracował w Uczelnianym Centrum Informatyki AGH, gdzie miał przyjemność brać udział w budowaniu polskiego internetu ( krakowski serwer IRC, pierwsze strony WWW, Polska Strona Ogonkowa, laboratorium serwerów IBM/RISC).
W latach '00 (a dokładnie 1999-2009) - pracował w, na przemian w dziale adminów oraz programistów systemowych (a pod koniec w dziale R&D, gdzie współpracował z telewizją n, oraz współtworzył pierwsze wersje serwisów na urządzenia mobilne).
Od roku 2012 rozwija system LogZilla ( - narzędzie do log managementu, ostatnio dodając w nim mechanizmy korzystające z najnowszych rozwiązań AI.
Poza tym miłośnik rowerów (bardziej tych z szerszymi oponami) oraz od jakiegoś czasu dronów FPV, którymi lata i które buduje/naprawia razem z 12-letnim synem.
Engineering Manager at Spoton Poland Python dev that remembers first Django versions and went through migration from SOUTH to Django migrations :) If I'm not coding and doing techy stuff then I could be find somewhere in mountains/forests riding my enduro bicycle or on some asphalt roads riding my motorcycle (yes I ride everything that has 2 wheels and a handelbar) Loves TTRPGs and sci-fi/fantasy books
Jesteśmy grupką licealistów z krakowskiej piątki, pasjonatami kodu, elektroniki, nauk ścisłych, mamy wielkie ambicje i chęci do działania. Uczestniczymy w polskiej edycji konkursu CanSats in Europe, w ramach którego od kilku miesięcy budujemy puszkę najeżoną elektroniką - naszego satelitę. Docelowo ma on zostać wzniesiony na wyokość około 3km przez rakietę Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej i podczas opadania przekazywać na bieżąco zbierane dane oraz zrealizować misję, którą obraliśmy.
Prince Canuma an ML and software engineer. Developer advocate at
I’m a developer with 20+ years of experience in various areas, including adventures with low-level graphics programming, plus several years of web development and network programming. Currently, I’m a senior software developer in Golem Network, taking care of its Python libraries and most recently, part of the team working on Ray on Golem.
I'm a seasoned Python developer with a passion for crafting robust system tools and exploring the intricacies of modern web frameworks. My journey in the world of programming began in the realm of Solaris/Unix in early nineties and settled on GNU/Linux, where I honed my skills in developing efficient and reliable system tools.
Over the years, I've delved into the heart of Python, finding joy in the intricacies of backend development. My expertise lies in the intersection of Python and system-level programming, allowing me to build tools that operate seamlessly in various environments.
I find immense pleasure in testing the capabilities of modern web frameworks. From clean modern FastAPI to good old Django, I enjoy pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in the realm of web development. My curiosity has led me to experiment with diverse technologies, always seeking the most effective and elegant solutions. Continuous Learning:
In my spare time, I embrace the challenge of learning new languages. This pursuit not only broadens my understanding of programming paradigms but also keeps me attuned to the current state of the art in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.
Sebastian is a Python consultant specializing in full-stack development, operations, and project management. He has written code for both scientific institutions like the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Fortune 500 companies. In his spare time, he likes to talk about best practices, tools, and productivity.
Python developer z solidnym "DevOpsowym" backgroundem. Pasjonat automatyzacji. Prowadzący wykłady i warsztaty z Pythona dla młodzieży. Powoli zaczyna angażować się aktywnie w community Pythona :)
Założyciel i CTO w Solvbot - Krakowskiej firmie wytwarzającej oprogramowanie z dziedziny Legal Tech. Spędził kilka lat w Dolinie Krzemowej, pracując m. in. w Google. Wcześniej architekt systemów Big Data, teraz zajmuje się tematyką startupów, zarządzania produktem i budowania zespołu.
Studiował informatykę, biochemię i zarządzanie. Zaczął programować zawodowo w 2007 i w swojej karierze pisał kod produkcyjny w języku PHP, C++, C (embedded), Go, Ruby, R, JavaScript i Python.
Hobbystycznie kolarz, fotograf i memolog :)
IT professional with extensive experience in architecting, designing, developing and managing software projects in a range of industries, through both "on-shore" and "off-shore" delivery model. Working experience with organizations of various sizes, in both commercial and government sectors. Security Cleared. Working closely with senior management to help deliver effective solutions within design constraints and on time. Over decade get technical experience in IT, his career started in software development, and then growing to software architect and then to enterprise architect. Have many years experience in proposing the software architecture, enterprise architecture, designing and implementing information systems, developing and driving short/long term architecture strategy, providing cost effective solutions, and supporting the development of architecture principles, styles, patterns and standards. Combines high level organizational experience, with strong technical knowledge.
Automatyzuje nie tylko procesy biznesowe, ale również serwery i sieci. Programuje w Pythonie, specjalizując się w w tworzeniu nowych skalowalnych rozwiązań jak również wyprowadzaniu projektów z kryzysowych sytuacji (legacy code, legacy technologies). Po godzinach amator gier planszowych (również szachów), tenisa stołowego i wędrówek górskich.
I am a Software Engineer, mostly recognized for my numerous contributions to the tech community as an organizer, speaker and activist.
Currently I am coding at Codility and training developers with Bottega.
I had a lot of fun building communities like Warsaw Java User Group, Mobile Warsaw and organizing some great events (Mobile Central Europe, Warsjawa) and leading IT departaments in Polidea and Growbots.
I am also a mathematician, amateur runner, notorious speaker.
Pythonista by trade, Rustacean by heart. I have interest in functional programming, programming languages and tools that make daily work easier.
I strongly believe in insecticidal properties of beautiful and simple design (unit tests come in a close second).